Saturday, March 23, 2013

God Bless Spring Birthdays

I LOVE spring weather in Texas. It is still nice enough to be outside without getting eating by mosquitos - the unofficial state bird of Texas. I especially love spring time and birthday cake combination.
What I love most about celebrating birthdays here is seeing Cruz become better friends with what basically amounts to our family here in Austin: all the children of the Los Horns.

That, and this happened two minutes after driving home from the party. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Rodeo Time, Y'all

It's officially spring break in Austin and that mean's the rodeo carnival is in town. Overpriced entry, rigged games and licking cotton candy from the same hand you fed the animals at the petting zoo.  Oh. Yeah.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Look what the Easter Bunny brought in!

What you didn't see next was Cruz breaking a cascaron over the Easter bunny's head. :)