Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby Lovin'

Cruz is so excited to be a big brother! He is adamant that it's a boy. But we decided we would keep it a surprise, because either way, come October, we are going to have another little monster on our hands.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hipster Haircut

O.M.G. Cruz had his first haircut at a real barbershop. OK, maybe not a real one. But a real hipster one. And hipsters are about as real as the fake streaks in their purposefully disheveled hair styles.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Eat, Spurs, Eat!

So this is what it has come to. Spurs fan appreciation night means non-stop eating to keep Cruz occupied so we can watch the games.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Weekend Warriors

Seriously, do we ever stop for one minute and just do nothing on the weekend?!


After a little jaunt to Lockhart for Cruz's favorite BBQ place (notice there is no BBQ on his plate), we were off to Smithville to snag raw cedar posts to whip up a fence for our backyard.


Not sure if Cruz  -- sitting on the job -- can officially earn a title as a "Mexi-CAN."