Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh the joyful things that summer brings

August has come and gone. Trips to Denver, the Valley, then Dallas all but consumed our time and energy over the past few weeks. The upside: a short respite from the 110 degree heat. The downside: all the overstimulation has projected Cruz right into everyone's favorite toddler milestone. The answer to every question or statement right now is "NO!"

Are you ready to take a bath? "NO!"

Time to put our toys away. "Not yet, Mommy, not yet."

Visiting friends couldn't even walk in through our front door without a "NO!" half-way out of his mouth.

For the past two days the question, "Do you need to go peepee on the potty?" has been met with a pleading, "No, please, no!" as he sits down to try (perfect photo op, no?). Potty training pergatory has begun! Frustrated after two poop incidents (neither of them in the potty, one on my foot), I yelled, "Why, Cruz?!" Of course, I already knew the answer to that question. "NO!!!"

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