Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Reading List

How is it that as the days got longer this summer, I had less time to do the things I wanted to do, like keep up with this blog! (I literally just "shushed" Dax so I could concentrate on writing a recap from the past few months.)

In a nutshell, this summer has been all about transitions for Cruz, from starting his new journey at The Joyful Garden, to mastering the art of survival through five grueling weeks of swim lessons. I am both amazed and guilt-ridden (since I make these decisions for him) at his ability to adapt and grow in these situations. Every day I feel like we're going through a different science experiment: Cruz is the subject as I toss variables his way. We always eagerly await to see what will happen next. He can now swim and float to save his life and feed Lizzie and let her go potty with little help from his Momma.

Most notably, Cruz has gone through an amazing "language explosion," as he began to express himself verbally just weeks after joining his friends at school. Beyond mimickry, he continues to apply his new language to new contexts daily, always looking for a way to relate to whatever it is that he's doing: "Momma's water" or "Cruz's turn" to take a sip.

With this, his love of books continues to grow and as he finishes our sentences when we read: "I love you like plants love....GROWING!" His summer reading list is long and varied, from books on buses, trucks and diggers to classic bedtime stories like Goodnight Gorilla and Goodnight Moon. Here he is with a book from his Aunt Pam101:

Let's hope this is a habit he keeps for good, unlike his Momma who only likes to read on vacation!

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